Social Sciences
Social Sciences at St Mary’s are delivered through three separate Key Stage 4 vocationally based subjects: Child Development and Care, Food Technology, and Health and Social Care.
The nature of the three courses is suitable for students who wish to have a skills-based focus with:
- A wide variety of interesting, fun and compelling learning activities.
- Programmes of study designed to draw upon previous learning in order to progress further.
- An assessment structure dominated by task based activities, including internal and external assessments, to help students build on their previous learning and knowledge.
- Direct progression to Level 3 courses, and beyond, in the separate subjects.
Child Development and Care
Please note: Child Development and Care is offered to Year 11 students formerly at Virgo Fidelis Convent School
NCFE CACHE Level 2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care (603/3293/1)
This qualification provides the opportunity to gain a vocational qualification that gives a basic introduction to the sector. It has been designed to meet the needs of learners from the age of 14 years.
It includes the knowledge and understanding of child development and well-being necessary for working with children in a variety of settings. It is aimed at a range of learners who wish to be introduced to childcare and development of children aged 0-5 years. It also gives learners an insight into their preferred learning styles and assists in developing their ability to study.
The Level 2 Technical Award in Child Development and Care will enable learners to develop knowledge, understanding and skills in relation the health and social care sector. The qualification will cover:
- an introduction to working with children aged 0-5 years
- development and well-being 0-5 years
- child care and development 0-5 years
This qualification gives a broad and sufficiently in-depth base from which Level 2 learners at Key Stage 4 in their compulsory education can begin to make informed decisions concerning future career goals and aspirations.
Method of Assessment
There are three compulsory units:
Unit 1 | An introduction to working with children aged 0-5 years | Internal assessment | 12.5% of overall grade |
Unit 2 | Development and well-being 0-5 years | Internal assessment | 37.5% of overall grade |
Unit 3 | Child care and development 0-5 years | External Assessment | 50% of overall grade |
Child Development and Care - Year 10 Curriculum Map
Child Development and Care - Year 11 Curriculum Map
NCFE Technical Award in Child Development and Care - Specification
Health and Social Care
Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care
The Vocational Award in Health and Social Care is designed to encourage and inspire learners into following a worthwhile qualification that provides insight into the health, social care and early years sectors. It is designed to create independent learners that can make informed decisions about further learning opportunities or continuing into related career choices.
Learners develop both a critical and analytical approach to problem solving whilst gaining an understanding of personal development, health, social care and early years sectors and services set within contemporary case studies.
The qualification is designed to include contemporary issues in relation to health, social care and early years sectors in the UK, including dealing with issues and pressures in relation to political factors and funding, providing a clear grounding in the sectors for those learners that may choose to enter into related professions or further education and training.
Method of Assessment
There are three compulsory components:
Component 1 | Human Lifespan Development | Internal assessment | 30% of overall grade |
Component 2 | Health and Social Care Services and Values | Internal assessment | 30% of overall grade |
Component 3 | Health and Wellbeing | External Assessment | 40% of overall grade |
Health and Social Care - Year 10 Curriculum Map
Health and Social Care - Year 11 Curriculum Map
WJEC Vocational Award Certificate H&SC - Specification
Food Preparation and Nutrition
AQA - GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition
The aim of the Food Preparation and Nutrition department is to provide each student with the opportunity to develop a knowledge and understanding of a broad range of practical skills, techniques and recipes. Food Preparation and Nutrition students are provided with an opportunity to be creative and independent. Students can explore their creativity in cooking and preparing a variety of dishes.
Cooking and healthy eating is an important life skill and Food Preparation and Nutrition is focused on preparing healthy dishes safely and hygienically. Students will explore healthy eating, balanced diets, food science, food choice and sustainable food production. The study of making will also include the characteristics of a broad range of ingredients, including their nutritional, functional and sensory properties.
The following topics will be covered:
- Food, Nutrition and Health. Gaining knowledge of nutrients, functions and sources. Understanding the future health implications of over and under nutrition. Application of knowledge in different scenarios and life stages.
- Food Science. Gaining knowledge and understanding of the functional and chemical properties of protein, fats and carbohydrates. Develop a clear understanding of how to conduct scientific investigations into chemical and functional properties of ingredients.
- Food Safety. Gaining knowledge of preparing and storing food safely. Understanding how to prevent pathogens from causing food poisoning through temperature control. Understanding the benefits of microorganisms in food production.
- Food Choice. Demonstrating awareness of influences on food choice. Gaining knowledge and understanding of cultural, religious and moral food choices. Develop a clear understanding of British and international cuisine.
- Food Provenance. Applying knowledge and understanding of food provenance to provide solutions to sustainable food production and food insecurity worldwide.
Students will focus on two non-exam assessment tasks determined by the AQA:
- Food Investigation - understanding of the working characteristics, functional and chemical properties of ingredients.
- Food Preparation Assessment - knowledge and understanding in relation to the planning, preparation, cooking and presentation of food and nutrition.
Method of Assessment
There are three compulsory components:
Non exam-assessment: 50% of final grade (this includes practical work)
Written exam: 50% of final grade
Food Preparation and Nutrition - Year 10 Curriculum Map
Food Preparation and Nutrition - Year 11 Curriculum Map
AQA GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition - Specification