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St Mary's Catholic High School

The Big Lent Walk 2023

On Wednesday 22nd March, our entire school community took part in CAFOD’s The Big Lent Walk 2023 in support of those across the world who suffer from global poverty and the victims of the recent earthquake in Syria and Turkey.

For our students, this was an act of solidarity with those in the world whose lives are at risk of malnutrition, many of whom are among the poorest communities on our planet and are the most affected by the climate crisis. Students were prepared for walk in special assemblies in the week before the event so that all involved understood why they were doing the walk and the impact of their actions. While the event was not a sponsored activity, our students organized a range of charity fundraising activities in the last week of term in support of CAFOD’s life saving work.

All students, and many members of staff, walked around the upper playground during one of their PE lessons. Every lap each individual student walked was carefully recorded so that we could work out the total number of kilometres walked by year and house group, as well as the total for the whole school. The walk proved to be a great success with all students doing their best to walk as many laps as possible in the time allocated. Many students went further and decided to run rather than walk. While we thank all students for their commitment and enthusiasm, it would be right to make special mention of our Year 11 students who completed more laps than any other year group.

The Big Lent Walk 2023 – Results

School Total        6050 laps     1210 km     (756 miles)

House Totals

1st     Bernadette       1557 laps            311 km     

2nd   Theresa             1493 laps            299 km     

3rd    Peter                  1453 laps            291 km     

4th     Bosco                     1306 laps               261 km