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St Mary's Catholic High School

Pupils watch Archbishop John's Christmas Message

Friday, 20th December 2024

As part of the end-of-term whole-school assembly, all pupils watched Archbishop John Wilson's annual Christmas message, where he called on people to turn to the Lord Jesus in hope. In his message, the Archbishop reminded us that, "In a world that seems so divided, it can be easy to lose hope; even to lose faith. But in times of darkness, in times of pain, in times of division, instead of giving into the temptation of losing hope, we must turn to our one, great living hope – the Lord Jesus. In Him, and in His message of Good News, we see the possibility of a different and better world. In Him, we have the hope of forgiveness and eternal life."

On 24th December, Catholics around the world began the special Year of Jubilee, with the theme of ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. Archbishop John emphasized the importance of never giving up hope, citing Mary, the Mother of the Lord, as an enduring example. He noted that, "Mary never despaired or gave up hope. She put her faith and trust in the Lord. Mary is the timeless example of what it is to follow Jesus – to trust, hope, and believe that God is with us in everything, and that we are never abandoned or alone."

Archbishop John urged us all to actively place "our hope in the Lord Jesus, turning to Him in prayer, in adoration, and in living out His commands."

To watch Archbishop John's Christmas message