Building the Christmas Crib end of term liturgy
Our end of term, whole-school Christmas Liturgy, took place on the last day of the autumn term on Thursday, 21st December. The school gathered together in our sports hall as a culmination of our Advent preparations to celebrate the birth of Our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Laid out in front of each house group were some of the donations of foodstuff and clothes that pupils had collected for The Manna Society’s work in supporting the homeless – our school’s Advent charity and commitment to supporting the poor and vulnerable.
The liturgy, presented by Mr Turner, our Head of RE, along with a team of pupils from across the school, focused on our school’s impressive Christmas crib – using the Crib Blessing Liturgy from Missio’s ‘Mission Together’ as the basis for our celebration. Staring with an empty stage, each element of the Christmas crib was introduced one at a time, accompanied by Gospel readings and Christmas carols, until the full scene was revealed. The liturgy was a perfect way to end the term and helped to remind pupils and staff of the true meaning of Christmas.
Following our Christmas Liturgy, and to great excitement, end-of-term awards and prizes were presented to winning tutor groups and individuals for attendance and achievement. In addition, a special award was made to T House who were judged to have the best decorated classrooms during Advent.