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St Mary's Catholic High School

Liturgical Videos

On this page you can access our various school videos created to celebrate the rich variety of liturgical celebrations. Some 0f these videos were created during the period of COVID restrictions.

Opening Prayer for the CTSL conference - November 2023

Our school was asked to provide the opening prayer for the Churches Together in South London (CTSL) conference which was focused on tackling the problem of serious youth violence in South London.

 Virtual Christmas Liturgy - December 2021

For a second year running, we have been unable to host our traditional service of nine lessons and carols. This short Christmas liturgy focuses on the story of the Nativity as told in Luke's Gospel. 

Marathon of Prayer - May 2021

During May 2021, St Mary’s students responded to Pope Francis’ call for a ‘Marathon of Prayer’ to bring about an end to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic, which has seen so many people in our own country fall sick, and sadly, many thousands have died, is now really affecting our poorest sisters and brothers across the world.

During the month of May, Catholics have been asked to pray the Rosary in order to bring about the end to the suffering of communities across the world. Saying prayers asking for Our Lady’s help, including praying the Rosary, is common practice in Catholic schools in the months of May and October, but this year Pope Francis has asked us all to double our efforts.

Thank you to all the Year 7 students who participated in the making of this special video encouraging us all to join the this special ‘Marathon of Prayers’.

Virtual Lenten Liturgy - March 2021

Following the success of our virtual Christmas Liturgy, St Mary’s worked with four local primary schools in the production of a virtual Lenten Liturgy as the basis for end of term assemblies. Using the educational resources of the Catholic charity Missio, the liturgy focused on the fourteen Stations of The Cross, along with two Easter appropriate hymns - Christ be our Light and Lord of the Dance.

Students from the following schools read the various Stations of the Cross: St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Croydon; The Minster Junior School, Croydon; St Johns Church of England Primary School, Croydon; St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School, Mitcham; and St Mary’s Catholic High School.

In addition, St Johns Church of England Primary School and St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School provided the superb musical accompaniment.

Many thanks to the headteachers and staff from all five schools that agreed to take part in the liturgy and undertook the filming at the end of a busy ter

Virtual Christmas Liturgy - December 2020

This Advent, without being able to host our traditional service of readings and carols, St Mary's is proud to present our virtual Christmas Liturgy. As we approach the celebration we aim to replicate our annual Carol Service of readings and carols. 

The tradition of a Carol Service dates back to the 19th Century, and for many it marks the final stage of the Advent period, as we prepare for the birth of Jesus. It is an opportunity to break away from the commercialisation of the season, and to focus on the real purpose of Christmas - to welcome our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Thanks to the Year 7 choir, as well as all the readers, who made this virtual carol service so special, during these days of COVID restrictions.