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St Mary's Catholic High School


SEND Co-ordinator - Mrs Denise Peart

The SEND Co-ordinator can be contacted on 020 8686 3837 or by emailing office@stmaryscroydon.co.uk

St Mary’s Catholic High School’s SEND Local Offer

SEND stands for Special Educational Needs & Disability

Our School is an inclusive school, meaning we support students with a variety of needs and adapt methods of learning to the students. We are able to support our students in all aspects of their school day.

Our SEND Local Offer describes the range of provision and support available to support identified students as and when appropriate.  From time to time some students require additional support for a set period of time to help meet their needs or improve their learning. The decision to do is based on a variety of factors including academic progress, and/or assessments carried out by teaching staff or other professionals.  It may also be based on ensuring students have a smooth transition into school or require support when going through significant change either at home or school. Some students will require support for a longer period of time to ensure they can access the curriculum effectively and be included fully in classroom learning and school events. Support will be planned by school staff and where appropriate by external professionals. This Offer is subject to change depending on budgetary constraints and policy review.

SEND - Relevant Policies

SEND Policy

SEND Local Offer and Information Report

Locality SEND Support Information

Accessibility Policy

Admissions Policy

Medical Needs Policy