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St Mary's Catholic High School


Students with GCSE results

Examination Results 2023

On Thursday, 24th August, students collected their GCSE and vocational exam results. There was great excitement as they arrived to open their result envelopes as the contents would determine where they would head to in the coming weeks as they embark on Post-16 education and training.

As with previous years, the results reflect the immense amount of effort and hard work by the students and their teachers, along with the support of their parents, since they joined St Mary's. It is pleasing that the vast majority of our students achieved the grades they needed to progress to their chosen courses at local colleges and sixth forms.

We wish them all well in the months ahead and remind them that they will always be part of our St Mary's family. We look forward to following their progress in the years ahead, wherever they continue their educational journeys and careers.

As one of the oldest Catholic schools in the country, St Mary’s has always celebrated its students’ achievements, but this year in particular it was especially rewarding, following on our two successful external inspections, where in December, Ofsted reported: “Leaders have made sure the order in which pupils learn provides a good framework for building their knowledge. They are finding ways to make learning meaningful and interesting.”

We anticipate that once again all our students will transition to post-16 education and training without any difficulty, with many now looking for more aspirational courses as a result of their achievements.



As a diverse community, St Mary’s Catholic High School embraces students of all abilities and backgrounds, we take pride in the achievements of every student.  We take nearly double the national average of disadvantaged students based on FSM (school 46%: national 26%), and nearly four times the number of students for whom English is not their first language (school 61%: national 17%).

Statutory Information

Please note: Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

Progress 8 Score 0.01
Attainment 8 Score 38.6
Pupils achieving Grade 5 and above inc. English & mathematics 40%
Ebacc Average Point Score 3.27
Pupils entered for Ebacc  19%

Pupils continuing in education or employment after Key Stage 4


92% (2021)*

 DfE - Performance Data for St Mary's Catholic High School


Examination Results 2022

On Thursday, 25th August, students collected their GCSE and vocational exam results. While the news media reported a national drop in GCSE grades this year, it is wonderful to report that our students received one of the best set of recorded results in the school’s 171-year history.

As one of the oldest Catholic schools in the country, St Mary’s has always celebrated its students’ achievements, but this year in particular it was especially rewarding, following on our two successful external inspections, where in December, Ofsted reported: “Leaders have made sure the order in which pupils learn provides a good framework for building their knowledge. They are finding ways to make learning meaningful and interesting.”

This year it was evident that our core subjects of English and mathematics provided a solid foundation for the year group’s success, with many more students meeting or exceeding their target grades, including an increased number achieving the highest possible grades than in previous years.

We anticipate that once again all our students will transition to post-16 education and training without any difficulty, with many now looking for more aspirational courses as a result of their achievements.

Mr Patrick Shields, our school’s Headteacher explains: ‘I am so immensely proud of all our pupils who sat exams this year. Having had their lives and learning disrupted so much during the last three years they have still delivered the most successful set of results we have ever had.

We wish them well in the next part of their journey, but we will continue to pray from them – once St Mary’s always St Mary’s. Our students leave as rounded young people – ready to be leaders.

I am humbled to work with such a fantastic team here at St Mary’s who never fail to go above and beyond in support of our pupils. I thank each and every one for their care of our pupils and delight in their success too’.


As a diverse community, St Mary’s Catholic High School embraces students of all abilities and backgrounds, we take pride in the achievements of every student.  We take nearly double the national average of disadvantaged students based on FSM (school 46%: national 26%), and nearly four times the number of students for whom English is not their first language (school 61%: national 17%).

Statutory Information

Please note: Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

Progress 8 Score 0.42
Attainment 8 Score 42.1
Pupils achieving Grade 5 and above inc. English & mathematics 40%
Ebacc Average Point Score 3.75
Pupils entered for Ebacc 24%
Pupils continuing in education or employment after Key Stage 4 98% (2021)

 DfE - Performance Data for St Mary's Catholic High School

Examination Results 2021

This year’s GCSE results were calculated solely on teacher assessment using a range of evidence, including:

  • mock exams or other tests taken during the course
  • questions provided by exam boards as a guide
  • coursework and other non-exam assessments
  • homework
  • portfolios, for art or design subjects.

In order to come up with a fair grade for each student, the grades were subject to internal quality assurance within the school, before being signed off by the Headteacher and submitted to exam boards. As with the 2020 GCSE results, the Department for Education will not be publishing institution level data, including comparisons to previous years’ results and progress scores.

Key information:

Pupils achieving 5 x Grades 4+ 51%
Pupils achieving 5 x Grades 4+ including English & Mathematics 48%
English                        Grades 9 – 4 61%
English                        Grades 9 – 5 44%
Mathematics              Grades 9 – 4 60%
Mathematics              Grades 9 – 5 37%
Science                       Grades 9 – 4  59%
English & Mathematics Threshold    Grades 9 – 4 55%
English Baccalaureate (EBacc) Entry 9%

Examination Results 2020

As announced on August 17th 2020 by Ofqual, the results for each student are based on the highest of either the Centre Assessed Grades (CAGs) or the national moderated grades.

The process that was undertaken prior to submitting the Centre Assessed Grades was reported on, discussed and interrogated by the school’s Senior Leadership Team. We are confident that this process was centred upon the principle that all students received grades which are a fair representation of what they would have achieved in the normal summer exam series.

Key information:

Pupils achieving 5 x Grades 4+ 61%
Pupils achieving 5 x Grades 4+ including English & Mathematics 47%
English                        Grades 9 – 4 69%
English                        Grades 9 – 5 41%
Mathematics              Grades 9 – 4 51%
Mathematics              Grades 9 – 5 37%
Science                       Grades 9 – 4  53%
English & Mathematics Threshold    Grades 9 – 4 48%
English Baccalaureate (EBacc) Entry 14%

 DfE - Performance Data for St Mary's Catholic High School

Examination Results 2019

St Mary’s Catholic High School celebrated a fantastic set of examination results in August. They show very pleasing progress across a wide range of subjects, with the number of students achieving Grade 6 (B) and above improving significantly this year.

We are especially delighted for the students who achieved their target grades, allowing them to progress to Post-16 education with confidence in what they have achieved. These results will be a springboard for even greater achievement for these students and for our whole school community. We are proud of each and every one of them.

The provisional DFE School performance tables show that students at St Mary’s Catholic High School have not achieved an official Progress 8 (P8) score due to what the DFE describe as ‘low coverage’. This is due to 48% of the year having official KS2 test data*, whereas the DFE policy is to include only schools with 50% or more. There could be many reasons why a student might not have KS2 test data available: data not recorded; students living abroad; home educated; students disapplied from taking the tests, etc.

In effect, if two students more out of the 113 students in the year group had KS2 test data the school would have achieved the significantly improved DFE P8 score of 0.03 and would place St Mary’s Catholic High School students in the ‘Average’ band. While the school would be lower than the Croydon average, it is pleasingly above the national average of -0.03. This would mean that St Mary’s would be the second highest Catholic secondary school in Croydon, and the highest mixed Catholic secondary school according to the P8 measure.

St Mary’s, like most other schools, uses the independent CATs tests for all students on entry to the school, regardless of whether they have sat for KS2 examinations in their primary school. Matching the CATs data for all of our students alongside the grades they achieved in the summer examinations the P8 score would be 0.75, a significant achievement for the school community.

St Mary’s Catholic High School embraces students of all abilities and backgrounds and we pride  on the achievements of every student.  We take nearly double the national average of disadvantaged students (school 47%: national 29%) and four times the number of English as an Additional Language (EAL) students (school 67%: national 16%). In 2018, 54% of Year 11 GCSE students were from disadvantaged backgrounds. There is no significant difference in the P8 performance of students who are from disadvantaged backgrounds (-0.2) or EAL (0.01) compared to other pupils in the cohort.

*KS2 test data represents the SATs tests taken by students in Year 6 of primary school.