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St Mary's Catholic High School

Physical Education

Girls playing netball

Vision Statement

Through Physical Education, students will acquire the confidence to be involved in sports and physical activities in and beyond school. They will develop leadership and interpersonal skills, respecting themselves and others through excellent sportsmanship. Students will understand the importance of resilience and striving to be the best they can be. We aim to provide all learners with the tools to stay healthy during their time with us and beyond education into their adult life.


The PE Department strives to achieve the following aims for our students:

  • Enable all students to experience and enjoy a wide range of sporting activities.
  • Promote the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle and highlight the benefits of physical activity on the body.
  • Provide enrichment opportunities for students to pursue their interests in sport and physical activity.
  • Enable pupils to work independently and as part of a team in varied activities.
  • Develop student’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural experiences through intra and inter school sport competitions.
  • Ensure that all students have equal access to PE and school sport, irrespective of their ethnic origin, religion, sexuality or academic ability.

Enrichment opportunities

In addition to timetabled PE lessons, all students have access to a range of enrichment activities each week, mostly on Thursday afternoons. These opportunities allow students to further develop their skills and interests in particular sports and other physical activities. As a result of the national COVID restrictions inter-school sports have not been possible, with only intra-year group competitions available. 

Enrichment activities include: Basketball, Cricket, Football and Netball. In addition, the Duke of Edinburgh Award includes a physical activity unit.

Curriculum Overview

Core Physical Education

Students in Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 have one period of Core Physical Education each week.

Core Physical Education - Curriculum Plan

Key Stage 4 - BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award in Sport

A BTEC in Sport gives students the skills and confidence they need to progress into a fulfilling, exciting career. The sport and fitness industry is always moving and changing, making it essential for learners to have the drive and resilience to adapt.

At all stages of their academic career, the practical base of a BTEC in Sport will help students excel as team players, coaches and leaders of the future.

Units covered:

Unit 1: Fitness for Sport and Exercise (exam) - 25%

Unit 2: Practical Sport Performance (Internal assessment) - 25%

Unit 3: Applying the principles of personal training (Internal assessment) - 25%

Unit 4: The Mind and Sports Performance (Internal assessment) - 25%

BTEC Sport - Year 10 Curriculum Map

BTEC Sport - Year 11 Curriculum Map

BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award in Sport - Specification