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St Mary's Catholic High School

Healthy School

St Mary’s Catholic High School is committed to promoting the health and well-being of the whole school community through all aspects of food and drink, physical activity and positive emotional health.

We recognise that a healthy school is one that is successful in helping students to do their best and build on their achievements. We promote physical and emotional health by providing accessible and relevant information and equipping pupils with the skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their health.

By taking part in Healthy Schools program and working towards and through the tiered awards, it will enable us to directly support the health and wellbeing of our students and staff and community we serve.


  • Increased amount of opportunities that students and young people have to be physically active and making healthy life choices in and out of schools
  • Increased participation of students, young people, families and the community in physical activity and making healthy life choices in and out of school
  • Increased school meal uptake including free school meals
  • Improved students and young people’s access to healthy packed lunches and snacks throughout the school day.

The benefits also go beyond health.  Participating is healthy schools also reports to reduced incidence of bullying, improved behaviour and improved attendance

 As a Healthy School we will promote:

  • Physical, social, emotional and mental health and help equip students, staff and families with the skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their health. 
  • Students to do their best and build on their achievements; committed to ongoing improvement and development to grow resilience and wellbeing and aspirations
  • Inclusion of the whole community, with parents and families, governors, staff and students in improving health, wellbeing and happiness, helping all to get the most out of life.